Finally--the solution to crazy amounts of Legos on the floor. We had our old laminate top from our kitchen island to use as the table top. I purchased bins from the Dollar Tree for organizing the Legos. I purchased three 1"x4"x12' boards and one 4'x8' sheet of 1/2" Masonite and had Home Depot cut to size.
Other supplies & tools: wood glue 20 2" angle brackets 40 0 size wood biscuits 1" finish nails sander Biscuit cutter (you can use a drill and dowels instead of a biscuit joiner) Drill 80 1" wood screws Wood clamps
Every year I have my children choose a theme for their birthday. My daughter chose the Lorax with truffulla trees. At first I thought I would make the trees with Pirouette cookies, but then I couldn't get the whimsical, tall and bendy look from Dr. Sues. So instead I made the tree trunks with a wire armature covered in Sculpey (polymer) clay. The tops were made with cotton candy in various colors. All the figures were also created in Sculpey.
For party favors, we took the giant sunglasses from the dollar store and added foam eyebrows and mustaches, so that everyone could be a Lorax. My goal is to have a place to show all the various projects that I do: fine art, crafts, puppets, and crazy birthday cakes for my kids. Stay tuned as I add in projects past and present. |
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